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Revolutionary War Word Search Puzzles

Try out these American Revolution word searches to see how much American history you know. These fun, historical word puzzles include the famous names, places, events of the Revolutionary War. They include the Battle of Bunker Hill, the Boston Tea Party, Paul Revere’s midnight ride, and George Washington Crossing the Delaware on December 25, 1776. 

Learn about the American Revolution timeline and battle locations with American Revolutionary War word searches. These American history printables can help students memorize key dates and places of the American war for independence, including facts about the Founding Fathers and framers of the Declaration of Independence. 

Sights set on a different harbor? You can browse and print American Revolution word searches below or make your own Revolutionary War worksheets, crosswords, and classroom activities with our trio of easy to use websites.

Browse and print Revolutionary War word searches below.

You can also make your own Revolutionary War word search, crossword, fill in the blank, word scramble, matching, bingo, handwriting exercise, open response worksheet, or flashcards.

DISCLAIMER: Each Revolutionary War printable activity was made by My Word Search users. They have not been reviewed for relevance or accuracy. We strongly suggest you verify a Revolutionary War puzzle meets your standards before using it in a class.

Print Free Revolutionary War Word Searches

American Revolution (4 ratings)
The American Revolution (3 ratings)
Saratoga Transitional Rehab (1 rating)
American Revolution :) (1 rating)
The American Revolution (1 rating)
American Revolution (No ratings)
Revolutionary War (No ratings)
Can't You Make Them Behave, King George? (No ratings)
The American Revolution (No ratings)
Revolutionary War (No ratings)
American Revolution and Georgia (No ratings)
First Continental Congress (No ratings)
Revolutionary war (No ratings)
Revolutionary War (No ratings)
Saratoga Transitional Rehab (No ratings)
American Revolution (No ratings)
American Revolution (No ratings)
Daniel at the Siege of Boston 1776 (chap. 11-20) (No ratings)
Causes of the American Revolution (No ratings)
American Revolution and Georgia (No ratings)
Chapter 2: The American Revolution (No ratings)
The American Revolution (No ratings)
American Revolution (No ratings)
Revolutionary War (No ratings)
American Revolution (No ratings)
The American Revolution Vocabulary Crossword (No ratings)
American Revolution Choice Board Word Search (No ratings)
Causes of the American Revolution (No ratings)
American Revolution (No ratings)
American Revolution (No ratings)
American Revolution (No ratings)
"If You Lived at the Time of the American Revolution" (No ratings)
American Revolutionary War (No ratings)
Can't You Make Them Behave, King George? (No ratings)
Daniel at the Siege of Boston 1776 (chap. 1-10) (No ratings)
Daniel at the Siege of Boston 1776 (No ratings)
Causes of the American Revolution (No ratings)
Causes of The American Revolution (No ratings)
Saratoga Transitional (No ratings)
American Revolution (No ratings)
001 American Revolution (No ratings)
American Revolution (No ratings)
American Revolution (No ratings)
Saratoga Transitional Rehab (No ratings)
Causes of the American Revolution (No ratings)
Revolutionary War (No ratings)
American Revolution and Georgia (No ratings)
Revolutionary War (No ratings)
The American Revolution (No ratings)
Revolutionary War Continued (No ratings)
The American Revolution and Independence (No ratings)
The American Revolution (No ratings)
American Revolution Vocabulary (No ratings)
Grade 7 Weeks 7 & 8 American Revolution and The War of Independence (No ratings)
Revolutionary War (No ratings)
Ch 17 - The Enlightenment and the American Revolution (1700-1800) (No ratings)
American Revolution (No ratings)
American Revolution in Massachusetts (No ratings)
The American Revolution (No ratings)
American Revolution 9-6 (No ratings)
Revolutionary War (No ratings)
American Revolution Choice Board (No ratings)
Revolutionary War (No ratings)
American Revolution Vocabulary (No ratings)
Revolutionary War (No ratings)
American Revolution Patriots (No ratings)
American Revolution 9-5 (No ratings)
American Revolution Vocabulary (No ratings)
The American Revolution (No ratings)
Revolutionary War on a Wednesday (No ratings)
American Revolution Word Search (No ratings)
American Revolution (No ratings)
American revolution (No ratings)
American Revolution (No ratings)
First Continental Congress (No ratings)
American Revolution and Georgia (No ratings)
Rex's American Revolution (No ratings)
American Revolution (No ratings)
The American Revolution (No ratings)
The American Revolution (No ratings)
Revolutionary War Terms 1 (No ratings)
Grade 7 Week 8 American Revolution and The War of Independence (No ratings)
First Continental Congress (No ratings)
The American Revolution (No ratings)
Battle of Lexington and Concord 9-20 (No ratings)
American Revolution and Georgia (No ratings)
Revolutionary War Terms 2 (No ratings)
Georgia in the American Revolution (No ratings)
Revolutionary War (No ratings)
I Survived the American Revolution, 1776!! (No ratings)
The American Revolution (No ratings)
The American Revolution (No ratings)
People of the American Revolution (No ratings)
The American Revolution (Causes) (No ratings)
American Revolution Word Search (No ratings)
Chapter 6 - "The American Revolution: Very Important People" (No ratings)
The Revolutionary War (No ratings)
American Revolution (No ratings)
American Revolution (No ratings)
American Revolution and Georgia (No ratings)
I Survived the American Revolution, 1776 (B) (No ratings)
American Revolution (No ratings)
The American Revolutionary War (No ratings)
American Revolution - Chapter 7 - Revised (No ratings)
American Revolution (No ratings)
Chapter 6 - Revolutionary War (No ratings)
American Revolution Word Search (No ratings)
Grade 7 Week 8 The War of Independence (No ratings)
American Revolution Word Search (No ratings)
American Revolution (No ratings)
Revolutionary War Battles (No ratings)
American Revolution and Georgia (No ratings)
Revolutionary War (No ratings)

Looking for more Revolutionary War activities? Make your own with our fast and easy worksheet makers, including:

Word Search
Fill in the Blank
Word Scramble
Open Response

Privacy is very important to us. All users of My Word Search who want to keep their puzzles private can add a password to their puzzles on the puzzle screen, while logged in. Every puzzle created using My Word Search is the sole property of the puzzle author, and My Word Search does not make any money from its users’ work.

Keywords used to find the puzzles above:
American Revolution
War of Independence
Continental Congress
Lexington and Concord
William Howe
Benedict Arnold
George III
King George
Bunker Hill
Guilford Court House
Battle of Monmouth
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