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2 Samuel 5

David Reigns over All Israel
The Conquest of Jerusalem
The Philistines Defeated
1 Then all the ______________ of ____________ came
to __________
at ____________ and spoke, saying,
“Indeed we are your __________ and your __________.
2 Also, in ________ past, when ________
was __________ over us, you were the ______ who led Israel out
and ______________ them in; and the _________ said to you,
‘You shall ________________
My ____________ Israel, and be __________ over Israel.’”
3 Therefore all the ____________ of Israel ________ to the king at Hebron,
and King David made a ________________ with them at Hebron before the LORD.
And they ________________ David king over Israel.
4 David was ____________ years ______
when he began to __________,
and he reigned __________ __________.
5 In Hebron he reigned over Judah __________ __________
and ______ ______________,
and in ___________________
he reigned ____________-___________ years
over all ____________ and __________.
6 And the king and his men went to Jerusalem ______________
the __________________,
the ______________________ of the land,
who __________ to David, saying, “You shall ______ come in here;
but the __________ and the ________
will __________ you,”
_________________, “David cannot come in here.”
7 Nevertheless David ________
the ____________________
of ________ (that is, the ________ of David).
8 Now David said on that day, “Whoever ____________ up by way of the __________
__________ and ______________ the Jebusites
(the lame and the blind, who are __________ by David’s ________),
he shall be __________ and ______________.”
Therefore they say, “The blind and the lame shall not ________ into the __________.”
9 Then David __________ in the stronghold, and ____________ it the City of David.
And David built all ____________
from the __________ and ____________.
10 So David went on and ____________
and the _________ ______
of __________ was __________ him.
11 Then __________ king of ________ sent
____________________ to David,
and ____________ __________,
and ____________________
and ______________. And they ___________ David a house.
12 So David _________ that the LORD
had _______________________ him
as king ________ Israel, and that He had ______________
His ______________ for the ________ of His people Israel.
13 And David took more ____________________
and __________ from Jerusalem, __________ he had come from Hebron.
Also more ________ and ____________________ were born to David.
14 Now these are the ___________ of those who were __________ to him in Jerusalem:
____________, ____________,
____________, ______________,
15 __________, ______________,
____________, ____________,
16 ________________, ____________,
and __________________.
17 Now when the ______________________
__________ that they had anointed David king over Israel,
all the Philistines __________ up to ____________ for David.
And David heard of it and went ________ to the stronghold.
18 The Philistines also went and ________________ themselves
in the ____________ of ______________.
19 So David _________________
of the ________, saying,
“Shall I go up ______________ the Philistines?
Will you ______________ them into my ________?”
And the LORD said to David, “Go up, for I will __________________ deliver the Philistines into your hand.”
20 So David went to ________ ______________,
and David ________________ them there;
and he said, “The LORD has ____________
through my ______________ before me,
like a ________________________
of __________.”
Therefore he _____________ the name of that place Baal Perazim.
21 And they ________
their _____________ there,
and David and his men ______________ them away.
22 Then the Philistines went up once __________
and deployed _____________________
in the Valley of ______________.
23 Therefore David ________________ of the LORD, and He said,
“You shall ______ go up; ____________
around ____________ them,
and come upon them in __________
of the ________________ trees.
24 And it shall be, when you ________ the ___________
of ________________
in the ________ of the mulberry __________,
then you shall ______________
For then the LORD will go out before you to ____________ the ________ of the Philistines.”
25 And David did so, as the LORD __________________ him;
and he __________ back the Philistines
from ________ as far as __________.