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2 Samuel 3

Sons of David
Abner Joins Forces with David
Joab Murders Abner
David’s Mourning for Abner
1 Now there was a long ______ between the __________
of ________ and the house of __________.
But David grew ________________ and stronger, and the house of Saul grew ___________ and weaker.
2 ________ were born to David in ____________:
His firstborn was __________ by ________________
the ________________________;
3 his second, ______________, by _______________
the __________ of __________
the __________________;
the third, _______________ the son of ____________,
the daughter of ____________, king of ____________;
4 the fourth, ________________ the son of _______________;
the fifth, ______________________ the son of ____________;
5 and the sixth, ______________, by David’s wife ___________. These were born to David in Hebron.
6 Now it was so, while there was war ______________ the house of Saul and the house of David, that __________
was __________________________
his ________ on the house of ________.
7 And Saul had a __________________, whose name was ____________,
the daughter of ________. So ____________________ said to Abner,
“Why have you ________ in to my ________________ concubine?”
8 Then Abner became very __________ at the words of Ishbosheth, and said, “Am I a ________ ________
that belongs to __________? Today I show _______________ to the house of Saul your father,
to his ________________, and to his ______________,
and have not __________________ you into the ________ of David;
and you ____________ me today with a __________ concerning this woman?
9 May ______ do so to Abner, and more also, if I ____ not do for David as the ________ has sworn to him—
10 to ________________ the ______________ from the house of Saul,
and set up the ____________ of David over ____________ and over Judah,
from ______ to __________________.”
11 And he could not ____________ Abner another word, because he ____________ him.
12 Then Abner sent ____________________ on his ____________ to David, saying,
“__________ is the land?” saying also, “Make your ________________ with me,
and indeed my ________ shall be with you to __________ all Israel to you.”
13 And David said, “________, I will make a covenant with you. But one __________ I ______________ of you:
you shall not see my ________ unless you first bring ____________, Saul’s daughter, when you come to see my face.”
14 So David _________ messengers to Ishbosheth, Saul’s ______, saying, “Give me my ________ Michal,
whom I __________________ to myself for a ______________
__________________ of the ______________________.”
15 And Ishbosheth sent and ________ her from her ______________,
from ______________ the son of ___________.
16 Then her husband __________ along with her to ______________,
______________ behind her. So Abner said to him, “Go, ____________!” And he returned.
17 Now Abner had ________________________
with the ____________ of Israel, saying, “In time ________
you were ______________ for David to be ________ over you.
18 Now then, do it! For the ________ has ____________ of David, saying,
‘By the hand of My ______________ David, I will ________
My ____________ Israel from the hand of the Philistines and the hand of all their ______________.’”
19 And Abner also spoke in the ______________ of _________________.
Then Abner also went to __________ in the hearing of David in ____________
all that seemed ________ to Israel and the __________ house of Benjamin.
20 So Abner and ____________ men with him ________ to David at Hebron.
And David made a __________ for Abner and the ______ who were with him.
21 Then Abner said to David, “I will __________ and go, and ____________ all Israel
to my ________ the ________, that they may ________ a covenant with you,
and that you may __________ over all that your __________ desires.”
So David sent Abner ________, and he went in __________.
22 At that ____________ the servants of David and ________
came from a __________ and brought much __________ with them. But Abner was not with David in Hebron, for he had sent him away, and he had ________ in peace.
23 When Joab and all the ____________ that were with him had come, they told Joab, _____________,
“Abner the son of ______ came to the king, and he ________ him away, and he has gone in ___________.”
24 Then Joab ________ to the king and said, “What have you ________?
Look Abner came to you; why is it that you sent him _________, and he has ______________ gone?
25 Surely you ______________ that Abner the son of Ner came to ______________ you,
to ________ your ____________ out and your coming in, and to know all that you are __________.”
26 And when Joab had gone from David’s ________________, he ________ messengers after Abner,
who ______________ him back from the well of __________. But David did not know it.
27 Now when Abner had ________________ to ____________,
Joab took him __________ in the ________
to speak with him __________________, and there ______________ him in the stomach,
so that he _________ for the __________ of ____________ his brother.
28 Afterward, when David __________ it, he said, “My kingdom and I are __________________ before the LORD
______________ of the blood of ___________ the son of Ner.
29 Let it ________ on the ________ of ________ and on all his father’s house;
and let there never ________ to be in the house of Joab one who has a __________________
or is a __________, who leans on a ___________ or falls by the __________, or who lacks bread.”
30 So Joab and ______________ his brother ____________ Abner,
because he had killed their brother Asahel at ____________ in the ____________.
31 Then David said to Joab and to all the people who were with him, “________ your ______________,
________ yourselves with __________________,
and __________ for Abner.” And King David followed the ____________.
32 So they ____________ Abner in Hebron; and the king ____________ up
his __________ and wept at the __________ of Abner, and all the people __________.
33 And the king sang a ____________ over Abner and said: “Should Abner die as a ________ dies?
34 Your hands were not __________ Nor your feet put into ______________;
As a man falls before ____________ men, so you _________.” Then all the people wept over him again.
35 And when all the people came to ________________ David to ______ food while it was still day,
David took an ________, saying, “God do so to me, and more also, if I taste __________ or anything else till the ______ goes down!”
36 Now all the people took ________ of it, and it ______________ them,
since ________________ the king did pleased ______ the people.
37 For all the people and all Israel _____________________ that day that it had not
been the king’s ____________ to kill Abner the son of Ner.
38 Then the king said to his ________________, “Do you not ________
that a ____________ and a __________ man
has ____________ this ______ in Israel?
39 And I am weak __________, though ________________ king;
and these men, the sons of ______________, are too ___________ for me.
The LORD shall __________ the ________________
according to his _____________________.”