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Matthew 20

Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard; Jesus  Third Time Predicts His Death and Resurrection; Greatness is Serving; Two Blind Men Receive Their Sight
1 “For the ____________
of ____________
is like a __________________ who when out __________
in the ______________ to ________
________________ for his ________________.
2 Now when he had ____________ with the laborers for a ________________
a ______, he ________ them into his vineyard.
3 And he ________ out about the __________
________ and saw others _________________
________ in the ______________________,
4 and said to them, ‘______ also ____ into the vineyard,
and ________________ is __________ I will give you.’ So they went.
5 Again he went out about the __________ and the __________ hour,
and did ________________.
6 And about the ________________ hour he went out and found ___________ standing idle,
and said to them, ‘______ have you been ________________ here idle all day?’
7 They said to him, ‘______________ no one __________ us.’
He said to them, ‘You also ____ into the ________________,
and whatever is __________ you will _____________.’
8 “So when ______________ had come, the __________ of the vineyard
said to his ______________, ‘________ the laborers
and give them their __________, __________________
with the ________ to the __________.’
9 And when those ________ who were hired about the _______________ hour,
they each ________________ a ________________.
10 But when the __________ came, they _________________ that they
would receive ________; and they likewise received each a ________________.
11 And ________ they received it,
they ___________________ against the landowner,
12 saying, ‘These ________ men have ____________ only one hour,
and you made them __________ to us who have __________
the ____________ and the ________ of the day.’
13 But he ________________ one of them and said,
I am __________ you no __________.
Did you not __________ with me for a _________________?
14 ________ what is __________ and go your way.
I ________ to ________
to this ________ man the ________ as to you.
15 Is it not ____________ for me to do what I wish with my own ____________?
Or is your eye ________ because I am ________?’
16 So the ________ will be first, and the __________ last.
For ________ are ____________,
but ______ ____________.”
17 Now __________,
going up to __________________,
took the ______________ disciples aside on the ________ and said to them,
18 “Behold, we are __________ up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be ________________
to the __________ ______________
and to the ______________; and they will ______________ Him to death,
19 and ______________ Him to the ________________
to ________ and to ______________
and to ______________. And the __________
______ He will ________ again.”
20 Then the ____________ of Zebedee’s ________ came to Him with her sons,
________________ down and ____________ something from Him.
21 And He said to her, “________ do you ________?”
She said to Him, “__________ that these two sons of mine may ______,
one on Your __________ hand and the other on the ________, in Your kingdom.”
22 But Jesus ________________ and said,
“You do not ________ what you ______.
Are you able to __________ the ______ that I
am __________ to drink, and be ________________
with the ______________ that I am baptized with?” They said to Him, “We are ________.”
23 So He ________ to them, “You will ____________ drink My cup, and be baptized with the baptism
that I am ________________ with; but to sit on My right ________ and on My left
is not Mine to ________, but it is for those for whom it is ________________
but My ____________.”
24 And when the ______ heard it, they were ______________
____________________ with the ______
25 But Jesus ____________ them to Himself and said, “You know that the ____________ of the Gentiles
________ it _______ them,
and those who are great ________________
___________________ over them.
26 Yet it shall ______ be so ___________ you;
but whoever ______________ to become __________ among you,
let him be your ______________.
27 And whoever desires to be __________ among you, let him be your __________—
28 just as the ______ of ______
did not come to be ____________, but to serve, and to give His ________
a ____________ for ________.”
29 Now as they _________ out of ______________,
a great ___________________ followed Him.
30 And behold, ______ __________ men
______________ by the ________,
when they __________ that Jesus was ______________ by,
__________ out, saying, “Have __________ on us,
O ________, Son of __________!”
31 Then the multitude ____________ them that they should be __________;
but they cried out all the ________, saying, “Have mercy on us, O Lord, ______ of David!”
32 So Jesus _________ still and ____________ them, and said,
“What do you __________ Me to ____ for you?”
33 They ________ to Him, “Lord, that our ________
may be ____________.”
34 So Jesus had ____________________
and ______________ their eyes.
And ______________________ their eyes
received ___________, and they ________________ Him.