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Matthew 17

Jesus Transfigured on the Mount; A Boy Is Healed; Jesus Again Predicts His Death and Resurrection; Peter and His Master Pay Their Taxes
1 Now after ______ ________
__________ took __________
__________, and ________ his brother,
led them up on a high ________________ by themselves;
2 and He was ________________________ before them.
His ________
__________ like the ______,
and His ______________
became as __________ as the ___________.
3 And behold, __________
and ____________
_________________ to them,
____________ with Him.
4 Then Peter ________________ and said to Jesus,
“________, it is ________ for us to be here;
if You wish, let us make here _____________ ______________________: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”
5 While he was still ________________, behold,
a _____________ ___________
________________________ them;
and suddenly a ___________ came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My ______________ Son,
in whom I am well ______________. ________ Him!”
6 And when the __________________ heard it,
they ________ on their faces and were greatly ____________.
7 But Jesus ________ and ______________ them and said,
“__________, and do ______ be afraid.”
8 When they had ____________ up
their ________,
they saw no one but Jesus ________.
9 Now as they came ________ from the mountain,
Jesus __________________ them, saying,
“Tell the __________ to no one
until the Son of Man is __________ from the ________.”
10 And His ____________________ asked Him, saying,
“Why then to the _______________
say that ____________ must come __________?”
11 __________ answered and said to them,
“Indeed, Elijah is ____________ first
and will ______________ all things.
12 But I say to you that _____________ has come ______________,
and they did not ________ but ______ to him
whatever they ____________.
Likewise the Son of Man is also about to ____________ at their __________.”
13 Then the disciples ____________________
that He __________ to them
of ________ the ______________.
14 And when they had come to the __________________,
a man came to Him, __________________ down to Him and saying,
15 “Lord, have __________ on my ______,
for he is an __________________
and suffers ________________;
for he often _________ into the ________
and often into the __________.
16 So I ____________ him to Your disciples,
but they could not ________ him.”
17 Then Jesus answered and said, “O __________________
and ________________
how ________ shall I be with you? How long shall I _________ with you?
____________ him here to Me.”
18 And Jesus ______________
the __________, and it ________ out of him;
and the ___________ was cured from that very ________.
19 Then the disciples came to Jesus ________________ and said,
“_______ could we not _________ it out?”
20 So Jesus said to them, “Because of your _________________;
for assuredly, I say to you, if you have __________ as a ________________ seed,
you will say to this __________________,
‘_________ from here to there,’ and it will move; and _______________
will be ______________________ for you.
21 However, this __________ does not go out _____________
by ____________ and ________________.”
22 Now while they were staying in _______________,
Jesus said to them, “The Son of Man is about to be _________________
into the __________ of men,
23 and they will __________ Him, and the ___________ day
He will be _____________ up.”
And they were exceedingly __________________.
24 When they had come to ___________________,
those who _________________
the _____________ tax
came to ___________ and said,
“Does your ______________
not ______ the temple ______?”
25 He said, “______.” And when he had ________
into the __________,
Jesus ______________________ him,
saying, “What do you think, __________? From whom do the __________
of the __________
take ______________ or taxes,
from their ________ or from ___________________?”
26 __________ said to Him,
“From ____________________.”
__________ said to him,
“Then the __________ are ________.
27 Nevertheless, lest we ____________ them, go to the ______,
________ in a ________,
and take the ________ that comes up __________.
And when you have ____________ its mouth, you will find a piece of ___________;
________ that and ________ it to them for Me and you.”