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Matthew 15

Defilement Comes from Within
A Gentile Shows Her Faith
Jesus Heals Great Multitudes
Feeding the Four Thousand
1 Then the ______________ and __________________
who were from __________________ came to __________, saying,
2 “Why do Your disciples ____________________ the __________________
of the ____________? For they do not ________
their ____________ when they eat __________.”
3 He ________________ and said to them,
“Why do you also transgress the _______________________ of God because of your tradition?
4 For God commanded, saying, ‘__________ your ____________
and your ____________’; and, ‘He who ____________ father or mother, let him be put to __________.’
5 But you say, ‘______________ says to his father or mother, “Whatever ____________
you might have ________________ from me is a ________ to God”—
6 then he ________ not honor his father or mother.’ Thus you have ________
the commandment of God of no _____________ by your ___________________.
7 _____________________! Well did ____________
________________ about you, saying:
8 ‘These ____________ draw near to Me with their __________,
And __________ Me with their ________,
But their __________ is ______ from Me.
9 And in ________ they ______________ Me,
________________ as __________________
the ___________________________ of men.’”
10 When He had ____________
the __________________ to Himself, He said to them,
“________ and ____________________:
11 Not what goes into the __________ ______________ a man;
but what ___________ out of the mouth, this defiles a ______.”
12 Then His ___________________ came and said to Him,
“Do You ________ that the Pharisees were ________________
when they __________ this ____________?”
13 But He answered and said, “Every __________ which My _______________
____________ has not ______________
will be _________________.
14 Let them __________. They are __________
________________ of the blind. And if the blind ____________ the blind,
both will _______ into a __________.”
15 Then __________ answered and said to Him, “______________ this parable to us.”
16 So Jesus said, “Are you also still _______________ understanding?
17 Do you not yet understand that whatever ____________ the mouth ________
into the ______________ and is _____________________?
18 But those ____________ which _______________ out
of the ____________ come from the ___________, and they defile a man.
19 For out of the heart proceed ________ thoughts, ______________,
____________________, _________________________,
____________, __________ witness,
20 These are the ____________ which ____________ a man,
but to ______ with ________________ hands does not defile a man.”
21 Then __________ when out from there and ________________
to the region of ________ and __________.
22 And behold, a __________ of ____________ came
from that ____________ and __________ out to Him, saying,
“Have __________ on me, O Lord, Son of __________!
My _________________ is ________________
23 But He ________________ her not a ________.
And His disciples ________ and __________ Him, saying,
“________ her away, for she __________ out after us.”
24 But He answered and said, “I was ______ sent ____________
to the ________ __________
of the __________ of _____________.”
25 Then she came and __________________ Him, saying, “Lord, ________ me!”
26 But He answered and said, “It is not _________ to take the _____________________
____________ and __________ it
to the little _______.”
27 And she said, “Yes, ________, yet even the ____________ dogs eat
the ____________ which ________
from their masters’ __________.”
28 Then Jesus answered and ________ to her, “O woman, __________
is your __________! Let it be to you as you _____________.”
And her daughter was ____________ from that very ________.
29 Jesus ________________ from there, ______________
the ______ of ______________,
and went up on the ________________ and ______ down there.
30 Then __________ multitudes ________ to Him,
having with them the ________, __________, ________,
____________, and many ____________;
and they ________ them ________ at Jesus’ ________, and He healed them.
31 So the multitude __________________ when they saw the mute ________________,
the maimed made __________, the lame ________________,
and the blind ____________; and they __________________ the God of Israel.
32 Now Jesus ___________ His disciples to Himself and said, “I have _____________________ on the multitude,
because they have now __________________ with Me __________
________ and have ______________ to ______.
And I do not want to ________ them away ____________,
lest they __________ on the way.”
33 Then His disciples said to Him, “__________ could we get ____________ bread
in the ____________________ to ________ such a great multitude?”
34 Jesus said to them, “How many ____________ do you have?” And they said, “__________, and a few little fish.”
35 So He __________________ the multitude to sit down on the ____________
36 And He took the seven ____________ and the ________
and gave ____________, __________ them and gave them to His disciples;
and the disciples ________ to the __________________.
37 So they all ______ and were ____________,
and they took up __________ large ______________ full
of the _________________ that were ________.
38 Now those who ate were ________ _________________ men,
besides __________ and ________________.
39 And He sent ________ the multitude, got into the ________,
and came to the ____________ of ______________.