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Matthew 12

Jesus Is Lord of Sabbath; Healing on Sabbath; Behold, My Servant; House Divided Cannot Stand; Unpardonable Sin; Tree Known by Fruit; Scribes & Pharisees Ask for Sign; Unclean Spirit Returns; Jesus’ Mother & Brothers Send for Him
1 At that time __________ went through the ______________________
on the ______________.
And His disciples were _____________, and began to ___________ heads of grain and to eat.
2 And when the _________________ saw it, they said to Him,
“Look, Your __________________ are doing what is not ____________ to do on the Sabbath!”
3 But He said to them, “Have you not _________ what __________ did
when he was ____________, he and __________ who were with him:
4 how he _______________ the ___________ of God
and ate the __________________ which was not lawful for him to eat, nor for those who were with him, but only for the ______________?
5 Or have you not read in the ______ that on the Sabbath the priests in the ____________
_______________ the Sabbath, and are ___________________?
6 Yet I say to you that in this __________ there is One ______________ than the temple.
7 But if you had ____________ what this means, ‘I desire ___________
and not __________________,’ you would not have condemned the __________________.
8 For the Son of Man is ________ even of the _______________.”
9 Now when He had _________________ from there, He went into their __________________.
10 And behold, there was a man who had a ________________ hand. And they __________ Him, saying,
“Is it lawful to _________ on the Sabbath?”—that they might ____________ Him.
11 Then He said to them, “What ______ is there among you who has one ___________,
and if it ____________ into a _____ on the Sabbath, will not lay hold of it and _________ it out?
12 Of how much more __________ then is a man than a sheep? Therefore it is lawful to do __________ on the Sabbath.”
13 Then He said to the man, “______________ out your hand? And he stretched it out, and it was ________________ as whole as the other.
14 Then the Pharisees _________ out and _________________ against Him,
how they might ______________ Him.
15 But when Jesus ________ it, He ________________ from there.
And great ____________________ followed Him, and He healed them all.
16 Yet He _____________ them not to make Him ___________,
17 that it might be __________________ which was spoken by ____________ the prophet, saying:
18 “Behold! My _______________ whom I have ____________,
My ______________ in whom My ________ is well pleased!
I will put My ____________ upon Him, And He will ______________
______________ to the _________________.
19 He will not _______________ nor ______ out,
Nor will anyone ________ His __________ in the ________________.
20 A ______________ reed He will not ___________,
And smoking ________ He will not ___________,
Till He sends forth ______________ to ______________;
21 And in His name _________________ will __________.”
22 Then one was ______________ to Him who was demon-__________________, blind and mute;
and He ____________ him, so that the __________
and ________ man both __________ and saw.
23 And all the multitudes were ____________ and said, “Could this be the Son of ___________?”
24 Now when the __________________ heard it they said, “This ____________
does not ________ out demons except by ________________,
the __________ of the ____________.”
25 But Jesus knew their ________________, and said to them: “Every ______________
______________ against itself is brought to ____________________,
and every ________ or __________ divided against itself will not __________.
26 If __________ casts out Satan, he is ______________ against himself.
______ then will his ______________ stand?
27 And if I ________ out demons by Beelzebub, by whom to your sons cast them out? Therefore they shall be your _____________.
28 But if I cast out demons by the ____________ of God, surely the ______________ of ______ has come upon you.
29 Or how can one ___________ a ___________
man’s __________ and plunder his goods, unless he first __________ the strong man?
And then he will _____________ his ____________.
30 He who is not ________ Me is ______________ Me,
and he who does not ____________ with Me _______________ abroad.
31 “Therefore I say to you, every ______ and __________________
will be ________________ men, but the _________________ against the Spirit will not be forgiven men.
32 Anyone who ____________ a ________ against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him;
but whoever speaks against the ________ ____________, it will ______ be forgiven him,
____________ in this age or in the ______ to come.
33 “Either make the ________ good and its ____________ good,
or else make the tree ______ and its fruit bad; for a tree is ___________ by its fruit.
34 Brood of _____________! How can you, being ________, speak _________ things?
For out of the __________________ of the ___________ the mouth speaks.
35 A ________ man out of the good ________________
of his __________ brings forth good things, and an ________ man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil ____________.
36 But I say to you that for every ________ word men may __________, they will give _______________
of it in the day of ________________.
37 For by your words you will be ___________________,
and by your words you will be ___________________.”
38 Then some of the ________________ and Pharisees ________________, saying,
“_______________, we want to see a _________ from You.”
39 But He answered and said to them, “An ________ and ____________________
____________________ seeks after a sign, and no sign will be ____________ to it
____________ the sign of the _______________ Jonah.
40 For as ____________ was three ________
and three _____________ in the ____________ of the great fish,
so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the __________ of the __________.
41 The men of ______________ will _________ up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it,
because they ________________ at the ___________________ of Jonah; and indeed a greater than Jonah is here.
42 The ___________ of the ____________ will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it,
for she came from the _________ of the earth to _________ the wisdom of Solomon; and indeed a greater than _______________ is here.
43 “When an _______________ spirit goes out of a man, he goes through ______ places,
seeking __________, and _____________ none.
44 Then he says, ‘I will ______________ to my house from which I _________.’
And when he comes, he finds it ___________, __________, and put in order.
45 Then he goes and __________ with him __________
other ______________ more ____________ than himself,
and they enter and ____________ there; and the _________ state of that man is worse than the __________.
So shall it also be with this ____________ ____________________.”
46 While He was still ______________ to the multitudes, behold His ____________
and ________________ stood outside, ______________ to speak with Him.
47 Then one said to Him, “________, Your mother and Your brothers are ________________ outside, seeking to speak with You.”
48 But He ________________ and said to the one who told Him, “______ is My mother and who are My brothers?”
49 And He __________________ out His hand toward His ___________________ and said,
“________ are My mother and My ________________!
50 For ______________ does the will of My ____________ in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.”