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Matthew 11

John the Baptist Sends Messengers to Jesus Woe to the Impenitent Cities
Jesus Gives True Rest
1 Now it came to pass, when ____________ finished commanding His ____________ disciples,
that He ________________ from there to ____________
and to ____________ in their ______________.
2 And when ________
had ____________ in ____________
about the ___________ of ____________,
he _________ two of his __________________
3 and said to Him, “Are You the ______________ ______,
or do we __________ for ______________?”
4 Jesus _________________ and said to them,
“Go and _________ John the ____________
which you __________ and ________:
5 The ____________ see
and the ________ ________;
the ______________
are __________________
and the ________ hear;
the _________ are ____________ up
and the _________ have the _____________ preached to them.
6 And ______________ is he
who is not ________________ because of Me.”
7 As they departed, Jesus began to say to the _____________________ concerning John:
“What did you go out into the ____________________ to see? A ________
____________ by the _________?
8 But _________ did you go out to see? A man ______________
in soft __________________? Indeed, those who __________
________ clothing are in kings’ ____________.
9 But what did you go out to see? A ______________?
Yes, I ______ to you, and _________ than a prophet.
10 For this is he of whom it is _______________:
‘Behold, I send My ____________________
before Your ________,
Who will ______________ Your ______ before You.’
11 “Assuredly, I say to you, among those ________ of __________
there has not __________ one ______________
than John the ______________; but he who is ____________
in the ______________ of ____________
is ______________ than he.
12 And from the ________ of John the Baptist until now the _______________ of heaven
________________ ________________,
and the ______________ take it by __________.
13 For all the ________________ and the ______
_____________________ until ___________.
14 And if you are willing to _________________ it, he is _______________ who is to come.
15 He who has __________ to hear, let home __________!
16 But to what shall I ____________ this _________________________?
It is like ____________________
sitting in the ____________________________
and __________________
to their ________________________,
17 and saying: ‘We _____________ the ____________ for you,
And you did not _____________;
We _________________ to you, And you did not ______________.’
18 For John __________ neither ____________
or _________________, and they say, ‘He has a ____________.’
19 The ______ of ______ came eating and drinking, and they say,
‘Look, a _______________
and a ______________________,
a _______________
of ______ ________________________
and __________________!’ But ____________
is _____________________ by her ___________________.”
20 Then He _____________ to ______________
the ______________ in which most of His mighty _____________ had been done,
because they did not ________________:
21 “______ to you, __________________!
Woe to you, _____________________! For if the ________________
____________ which were done in you
had been done in __________ and _____________.
they would have ____________________ long ago
in _____________________ and ____________.
22 But I say to you, it will be more _____________________ for Tyre and Sidon
in the day of ____________________ than for you.
23 And you, _____________________,
who are ________________ to heaven, will be brought down to ____________;
for if the mighty __________ which were done in you had been done in ____________,
it would have ___________________ until this day.
24 But I say to you that it shall be more ______________________
for the land of ____________
in the day of ____________________ than for you.”
25 At that time Jesus ___________________ and said, “I ________________ You, Father
____________ of _______________
and ____________, that You have _____________ these things
from the _________ and __________________
and have ___________________ them to ____________.
26 Even so, ____________________,
for so it ________________
___________ in Your _______________.
27 All things have been ________________________ to Me by My Father,
and no one ____________ the Son _______________ the Father.
Nor does ____________ know the Father _______________ the Son,
and the ______ to whom the Son wills to _______________ Him.
28 ________ to Me, all you who ____________
and are ____________ laden, and I will give you __________.
29 Take My ___________ upon you and ______________ from Me,
for I am _____________ and lowly in __________,
and you will __________ rest for your ____________.
30 For My ___________ is _________
and My _____________ is ______________.”