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Matthew 10

The Twelve Apostles; Sending Out the Twelve; Persecutions Are Coming; Jesus Teaches the Fear of God; Confess Christ Before Men; Christ Brings Division; A Cup of Cold Water
1 And when he had _____________ His ____________ disciples to Him, He gave them ____________
over ________________ spirits, to ________ them out, and to ________
all kinds of __________________ and all kinds of ______________.
2 Now the ___________ of the twelve _________________ are these:
first, __________, who is called __________,
and _____________ his ______________;
___________ the son of ______________, and _________ his brother;
3 ____________ and _______________________;
_____________ and ______________ the tax collector;
____________ the son of ________________,
and _______________, whose surname was __________________;
4 ___________ the _________________,
and ___________ _________________, who also _________________ Him.
5 These twelve __________ sent out and ____________________ them, saying:
“Do not go into the way of the ________________, and do not enter a city of the ____________________.
6 But go rather to the _________ __________ of the house of ____________.
7 And as you go, _____________, saying, ‘The _______________ of ____________ is at hand.’
8 ________ the sick, ______________ the ____________,
___________ the dead, _________ out _____________.
_____________ you have _________________, freely give.
9 ______________ neither ________ nor _____________
nor ____________ in your ____________ belts,
10 nor ______ for your _______________, nor two ____________,
nor ______________, nor ____________;
for a ____________ is ____________ of his ________.
11 “Now whatever ________ or __________ you ____________,
________________ who in it is ____________, and ________ there till you go out.
12 And when you go into a __________________, greet it.
13 If the household is worthy, let your ____________ come upon it. But if it is ______ worthy, let your peace _____________ to you.
14 And whoever will not _______________ you nor ________ your words,
when you ____________ from that __________ or __________,
___________ off the _________ from your __________.
15 Assuredly, I ______ to you, it will be more ___________________
for the land of ___________ and _________________
in the day of ________________ than for that city!
16 “Behold, I ________ you out as __________ in the midst of ____________.
Therefore be wise as __________________ and harmless as __________.
17 But ______________ of men, for they will ______________ you
up to _________________ and _______________ you
in their _____________________.
18 You will be ______________ before ___________________
and __________ for My sake, as a __________________ to them
and to the __________________.
19 But when they _______________ you up, do not ___________
about ______ or _________ you should ___________.
For it will be _____________ to you in that ________ what you should __________;
20 for it is not you who ____________, but the _____________ of your ____________ who speaks in you.
21 “Now ______________ will deliver up brother to ___________,
and a ____________ his __________;
and ________________ will rise up against _______________ and __________ them to be put to death.
22 And you will be __________ by all for My name’s ________.
But he who _______________ to the end will be __________.
23 And when they ___________________ you in this _________,
_________ to ______________.
For assuredly, I say to you, you will not have ___________ through the cities of _____________ before the Son of Man ____________.
24 “A ________________ is not __________
his ______________, nor a _______________ above his master.
25 It is ___________ for a disciple that he be ________ his teacher,
and a _______________ like his _____________.
If they have _____________ the master of the ____________ _________________, how much more will they call those of his household!
26 Therefore do not ________ them. For there is nothing _______________
that will not be _______________, and ____________ that will not be known.
27 “Whatever I tell you in the _________, speak in the ___________;
and what you ________ in the ear, ______________ on the housetops.
28 And do not _________ those who __________ the _________
but cannot kill the ________. But rather fear Him who is able to ______________ both soul and body in ________.
29 Are not two _________________ sold for a ______________ coin?
And not one of them ____________ to the _____________ apart from your Father’s ________.
30 But the very ____________ of your head are all __________________.
31 Do not ________ therefore; you are of more __________ than ________ sparrows.
32 “Therefore whoever __________________ Me before ______,
him I will also confess ____________ My ____________
who is in _____________.
33 But whoever ____________ Me before ______,
him I will also ________ before My ____________ who is in ____________.
34 “Do not __________ that I came to bring __________ on __________.
I did not ________ to bring __________ but a __________.
35 For I have come to ‘set a man ______________ his ____________,
a ________________ against her ____________,
and a _________________-____-______ against
her ____________-____-______’;
36 and ‘a man’s ______________ will be those of his own __________________.’
37 He who ___________ ____________ or
_____________ more than Me is ______ worthy of Me.
And he who __________ ______ or ________________
________ than Me is not ____________ of Me.
38 And he who does not ________ his ___________
and ____________ after Me is not ____________ of me.
39 He who ___________ his ________ will ________ it,
and he who __________ his ________ for My sake will ________ it.
40 “He who _________________ you receives ____,
and he who ________________ Me receives Him who ________ Me.
41 He who receives a ______________ in the ________ of a prophet
shall receive a prophet’s _____________. And he who receives a ___________________ man
in the name of a righteous man shall ______________ a righteous man’s ____________.
42 And whoever __________ one of these ____________ ones
only a ______ of ________ __________
in the ________ of a _________________, assuredly,
I say to you, he shall by ____ means _________ his _____________.”