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Matthew 9

Jesus Forgives & Heals a Paralytic; Matthew Called; Jesus Questioned About Fasting; Girl Restored to Life & Woman Healed; 2 Blind Men Healed; Mute Man Speaks; Jesus’ Compassion
1 So He got into a ________, ______________ over, and came to His own ________.
2 Then behold, they ______________ to Him a __________________ lying on a bed.
When Jesus saw their __________, He said to the paralytic, “Son, be of good ___________, your sins are _________________ you.”
3 And at once some of the _______________ said within themselves,
“This Man ____________________!”
4 But Jesus, ______________ their _________________, said,
“Why do you think ________ in your ____________?
5 For which is ____________, to say, ‘Your ________ are forgiven you,’
or to say, ‘__________ and ________?’
6 But that you may ________ that the ______ of Man
has __________ on __________ to forgive sins”
—then He said to the __________________, “Arise take up your ______, and go to your house.”
7 And he arose and _________________ to his __________.
8 Now when the _____________________ saw it,
they __________________
and ___________________ God,
who had ____________ such __________ to men.
9 As __________ passed on from there, He saw a man ___________
______________ sitting at the tax ______________.
And He said to him, “____________ Me.” So he __________ and followed Him.
10 Now it happened, as Jesus sat at the __________ in the house, that behold, many tax ____________________
and ______________ came and sat down with Him and His __________________.
11 And when the ________________ saw it, they ________ to His disciples,
“Why does your _______________ eat with ______ collectors and sinners?”
12 When Jesus __________ that, He said to them, “Those who are ________
have no ________ of a __________________,
but __________ who are ________.
13 But go and __________ what this __________:
‘I ____________
__________ and not __________________.’
For I did not come to call the __________________, but sinners, to ____________________.”
14 Then the disciples of ________ came to Him, ____________,
“Why do we and the Pharisees ________ often, but Your ___________________ do ______ fast?”
15 And Jesus said to them, “Can the ______________ of the ____________________
__________ as long as the bridegroom is ________ them?
But the ________ will come when the bridegroom will be __________ away from them, and then they will ________.
16 No one puts a __________ of ________________
__________ on an old ______________,
for the __________ pulls away from the garment, and the ________ is made __________.
17 Nor do they put new ________ into old ___________________,
or else the wineskins __________, the wine is ________________,
and the wineskins are _____________. But they put ______
wine into new wineskins, and both are __________________.”
18 While He __________ these things to them, behold, a __________ came
and __________________ Him, saying, “My ________________
has just ________, but come and lay Your ________ on her and she will ________.”
19 So Jesus __________ and ________________ him,
and so did His __________________.
20 And suddenly, a ____________ who had a ________ of __________
for ____________ years came from ____________
and touched the ______ of His ______________.
21 For she said to herself, “If only I may __________ His garment, I shall be made _________.”
22 But Jesus ____________ around, and when He saw her He said, “Be of ________ cheer, daughter,
your __________ has made you well.” And the woman was ________ well from that _________.
23 When Jesus came into the ruler’s __________, and saw the __________ players
and the __________ crowd ______________,
24 He said to them, “Make ________, for the girl is not ________,
but ________________.” And they __________________ Him.
25 But when the crowd was put ______________, He __________ in
and took her by the _________, and the girl ___________.
26 And the ____________ of this went out into all that ________.
27 When Jesus _________________ from there,
two __________ men followed Him, ____________ out and saying,
“Son of __________, have ___________ on us!”
28 And when He had come into the __________, the blind ______ came to Him.
And Jesus said to them, “Do you ______________ that I am ________ to do this?”
They ________ to Him, “Yes, ________.”
29 Then He _______________ their _________, saying,
“According to your __________ let it be to you.”
30 And their eyes were ____________. And Jesus sternly ____________ them, saying,
“See that ____ ______ ___________ it.”
31 But when they had ________________, they ____________
the ________ about Him in all that ______________.
32 As they __________ out, behold, they ______________ to Him a man,
________ and
33 And when the ___________ was ________ out,
the ________ ___________.
And the ______________________
________________, saying,
“It was __________ seen like this in ____________!”
34 But the __________________ said,
“He ___________ out demons by the __________ of the demons.”
35 Then Jesus went about ______ the ____________
and ________________,
in their ____________________,
the ____________ of the ______________,
and _______________
every ________________ and every ______________ among the people.
36 But when He ______ the multitudes, He was __________
with ____________________ for them,
because they were __________ and ___________________,
like __________ having no ________________.
37 Then He said to His __________________, “The ______________
truly is __________________, but the laborers are ______.
38 Therefore ________ the Lord of the ______________
to ________ out ________________ into His harvest.”