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Matthew 8

Jesus Cleanses a Leper & Heals a Centurion’s Servant & Peter’s Mother-in-Law; Many Healed in the Evening; Cost of Discipleship; Wind & Wave Obey Jesus; 2 Demon-Possessed Men Healed
1 When He had come ________ from the ________________,
great ____________________ followed Him.
2 And behold, a __________ came and __________________ Him, saying,
“________, if You are _______________,
You can ________ me ____________.”
3 Then ____________ put out His ________
and _______________ him, saying, “I am willing; be _________________.”
his _________________ was cleansed.
4 And Jesus said to him, “_______ that you _________ no one;
but go your way, ________ yourself to the ______________,
and ____________ the __________ that ___________
as a ____________________ to them.”
5 Now when Jesus had entered ___________________,
a __________________ came to Him, __________________ with Him,
6 saying, “Lord, my ______________ is ____________
at home __________________,
dreadfully __________________.”
7 And __________ said to him, “I will ________ and ________ him.”
8 The centurion ________________ and said, “Lord, I am not _____________
that You should come ___________ my ________.
But only __________ a ________,
and my ______________ will be _____________.
9 For I also am a man under __________________,
having ________________ under me. And I say to this one, ‘____,’ and he goes;
and to ______________, ‘________,’ and he comes;
and to my ______________, ‘____ this,’ and he ________ it.”
10 When Jesus __________ it, He _________________,
and said to those who ________________,
‘Assuredly, I say to you, I have not __________ such __________
__________, not even in ____________!
11 And I say to you that ________ will come from ________ and _________,
and sit down with _______________, __________,
and __________ in the kingdom of ____________.
12 But the ________ of the ______________
will be ________ out into outer ________________.
There will be ________________
and ________________ of ___________.”
13 Then Jesus said to the __________________, “Go your ______;
and as you have ________________, so let it be ________ for you.”
And his ______________ was healed that ________ hour.
14 Now when Jesus had come into ____________ house, He saw his __________
_____________ lying ________ with a fever.
15 So He ______________ her ________,
and the _____________ ________ her.
And she __________ and ______________ them.
16 When _______________ had come, they ______________ to Him
many who were __________-__________________.
And He ________ out the ______________ with a _______,
and ____________ all who were ________,
17 that it might be __________________ which was _____________
by ____________ the ______________, saying:
He _____________ took our _______________________
And ________ our ____________________.”
18 And when __________ saw __________ multitudes about Him,
He gave a _______________ to ____________ to the other side.
19 Then a certain ____________ came and ________ to Him,
“______________, I will ____________ You wherever You go.”
20 And Jesus ________ to him, “__________ have __________
and ___________ of the air have __________,
but the ______ of ______
has ______________ to lay His ________.”
21 Then another of His __________________ said to Him, “Lord, ______ me first go
and ________ my ____________.”
22 But __________ said to him, “______________ Me,
and let the ________ ________ their ______ dead.”
23 Now when He got into a ________, His _________________ followed Him.
24 And suddenly a great ______________ arose on the ______,
so that the boat was ______________ with the __________.
But He was ____________.
25 Then His disciples ________ to Him and __________ Him, saying,
“Lord, ________ us! We are __________________!”
26 But He said to them, “Why are you _______________, O you of ____________ faith?”
Then He arose and ______________ the ___________ and the sea,
and there was a ____________ _________.
27 So the men ________________, saying, “Who _______ this be,
that even the __________ and the sea ________ Him?”
28 When He had come to the __________ side, to the ______________
of the _____________________, there met Him ______
__________-___________________ men,
coming out of the ___________, exceedingly ____________, so that no one could ________ that way.
29 And suddenly they ___________ out, saying, “________ have we to do with You, Jesus, You Son of ______?
Have You come here to ______________ us
____________ the ________?”
30 Now a good way off from there was a ________ of many __________ feeding.
31 So the demons _____________ Him, saying, “If You ________ us out,
____________ us to go ________ into the ________ of swine.”
32 And He ________ to them, “____.” So when they had ________ out,
they ________ into the herd of __________.
And _________________ the whole herd of swine
ran __________________ down the __________ place into the sea,
and ________________ in the __________.
33 Then those who ________ them ________;
and they went away into the ________ and told ____________________,
including what had _________________ to the demon-possessed ______.
34 And behold, the __________ city came out to ________ Jesus.
And when they ______ Him, they ____________ Him
to ____________ from their ____________.