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Matthew 7

Do Not Judge; Keep Asking, Seeking, Knocking; The Narrow Way; You Will Know Them by Their Fruits; I Never Knew You; Build on the Rock
1 “__________ not,
that you be not ____________.
2 For with what __________________ you judge,
you will be ______________;
and with the ______________ you use,
it will be measured _______ to you.
3 And why do you look at the __________
in your brother’s ______,
but do not ________________
the __________ in your own eye?
4 Or how can you say to your ______________,
‘Let me ____________ the speck from your eye’;
and ________, a plank is in your ______ eye?
5 ___________________!
__________ remove the __________ from your own eye,
and then you will see ______________ to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
5 “Do not ________ what is ________
to the ________;
nor cast your ____________ before __________,
lest they ______________ them under their _________,
and turn and _________ you in ______________.
7 “______, and it will be ___________ to you;
________, and you will find;
__________, and it will be opened to you.
8 For ______________
who asks ________________,
and he who seeks __________,
and to him who knocks it will be ____________.
9 Or what _____ is there ___________ you who,
if his ______ asks for __________,
will give him a __________?
10 Or if he asks for a ________, will he give him a ______________?
11 If you then, being ________, know how to give ________
__________ to your _________________,
how much more will your ____________ who is in ____________
________ good things to those who ______ Him!
12 Therefore, whatever you ________ men to do to you, do ________ to them,
for this is the ______ and the ________________.
13 “__________ by the ____________ gate;
for ________ is the ________
and __________ is the ______
that leads to ______________________,
and there are ________ who ____ in by it.
14 Because ____________ is the ________
and __________________ is the way
which leads to ________, and there are ______ who ________ it.
15 “____________ of __________ prophets,
who come to you in ______________ ________________,
but inwardly they are _________________ ____________.
16 You will ________ them by their ____________.
Do men ____________ ____________
from ______________________
or ________ from ________________?
17 Even so, every ________ ________ bears good fruit,
but a ______ tree bears bad __________.
18 A good tree ____________ bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree ________ good fruit.
19 Every ________ that does not bear ________ fruit is ______ down
and ____________ into the ________.
20 Therefore ____ their ____________
you will ________ them.
21 “Not ________________ who ________ to Me,
‘________, Lord,’ shall __________
the _______________
of ____________,
but he who does the ________ of My ____________ in heaven.
22 ________ will ______ to me in that day,
‘Lord, Lord, have we not ____________________ in Your name,
________ out _____________ in Your name,
and done many ______________ in Your ________?’
23 And then I will ______________ to them, ‘I __________ knew you;
____________ from Me,
you who _________________
24 “Therefore ______________ __________ these sayings of Mine, and does them,
I will __________ him to a ________ man
who __________
his __________ on the ________:
25 and the rain __________________,
the floods ________,
and the __________ blew
and ________ on that ___________;
and it did not ________,
for it was ______________ on the ________.
26 “But everyone who __________ these sayings of ________,
and does ______ do them, will be ________
a ______________ man who __________
his __________ on the ________:
27 and the ________ descended, the ____________ came,
and the winds ________ and beat on that __________;
and it ________.
And __________ was its ________.”
28 And so it was, when __________
had __________ these sayings,
that the ____________
were _____________________
at His _________________,
29 for He ______________ them
as one having __________________,
and not as the ______________.