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Matthew 6

Do Good to Please God; The Model Prayer; Fasting to Be Seen Only by God; Lay Up Treasures in Heaven; The Lamp of Body; You Cannot Serve God and Riches; Do Not Worry
1 “Take ________ that you do not do
your ____________________ deeds before men, to be seen by them.
Otherwise you have no reward from your ____________ in ____________.
2 Therefore, when you do a charitable ________, do not sound a ______________
before you as the ____________________ do
in the ____________________
and in the ______________,
that they may have __________ from ______.
Assuredly, I say to you, they have their _____________.
3 But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your ________ hand ________
what your __________ hand is __________,
4 that your charitable deed may be in ____________;
and your Father who _________ in secret will Himself reward you ____________.
5 “And when you ________, you shall not be ________ the hypocrites.
For they ________ to pray ________________ in the synagogues
and on the ______________ of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their _____________.
6 But ______, when you pray, go into your ________,
and when you have _______ your ________, pray to your Father
who is in the secret _________; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you ____________.
7 And when you pray, do not use vain ____________________
as the ______________ do.
For they think that they will be _________ for their many __________.
8 “Therefore do not be like ________. For your Father __________
the ____________ you have ________ of
____________ you ______ Him.
9 In this ____________, therefore, pray:
Our _____________ in ____________,
________________ be Your ________.
10 Your ______________ come. Your ________ be done
On ___________ as it is in ____________.
11 Give us this ______ our daily __________.
12 And ______________ us our debts, As we forgive our _______________.
13 And do ______ ________ us
into ____________________,
But ________________ us from the ________ one.
For ___________ is the kingdom and the ____________
and the glory ______________. Amen.
14 “For if you forgive men their ____________________,
your ________________ Father will also ______________ you.
15 But if you do ______ forgive men their trespasses, ______________ will your Father forgive your trespasses.
16 “Moreover, when you ________, do not be like the ____________________,
with a sad ______________________.
For they ___________________ their ____________
that they may ____________ to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their ______________.
17 But you, when you fast, ____________ your _________
and ________ your ________,
18 so that you do not ____________ to men to be ________________,
but to your ____________ who is in the secret __________;
and your Father who sees in ____________ will reward you ____________.
19 “Do not ______ up for yourselves __________________ on earth,
where ________ and ________
______________ and where thieves break in and __________;
20 but lay up for ____________________ treasures
in ____________,
where ______________ moth nor rust _______________
and where ______________ do not __________ in and steal.
21 For where your ________________ is, there your __________ will be also.
22 “The ________ of the body is the ______.
If therefore your eye is ________, your _________ body will be full of ____________.
23 But if your eye is ______, your whole ________ will be _________
of _________________.
If therefore the light that is in ______ is darkness, how __________ is that darkness!
24 “____ _______ can ___________
______ ______________;
for either he will ________ the one and ________ the other,
or else he will be __________ to the one and ______________ the other.
You cannot serve ______ and ____________.
25 “Therefore I say to you, do not __________ about your ________,
what you will ______ or what you will __________; nor about your ________, what you will put on.
Is not life ________ than ________
and the body more than ________________?
26 Look at the ___________ of the ______,
for they neither ______ nor _________
nor ____________ into __________;
yet your heavenly Father __________ them. Are you not of more __________ than they?
27 Which of you by worrying can ______ one __________ to his ______________?
28 “So why do you _________ about __________________?
________________ the ____________ of the field,
how they ________: they neither ________ nor ________;
29 and yet I say to you that even ______________ in all his __________
was not _______________ like one of these.
30 Now if God so ______________ the __________ of the field,
which __________ is, and ________________
is ____________ into the ________,
will He not ________ more ____________ you,
O you of _____________ ___________?
31 “Therefore do ______ worry, ____________,
‘________ shall we eat? or ‘What shall we __________?’
or ‘What _________ we ________?’
32 For after all these _____________ the ________________ seek.
For your ________________ Father __________
that you ________ ______ these things.
33 But ________ first the ______________ of God
and His ___________________________,
and ______ these things shall be ___________ to you.
34 Therefore do ______ ___________ about tomorrow,
for _________________ will worry about its ______ things.
___________________ for the ______
is its own _______________.