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Matthew 4

Satan Tempts Jesus; Jesus Begins His Galilean Ministry; Four Fishermen Called as Disciples; Jesus Heals a Great Multitude
1 Then __________ was led up
by the ____________
into the _____________________
to be ______________ by the __________.
2 And when He had ____________
__________ ________
and _________ ____________,
afterward He was ______________.
3 Now when the ______________ came to Him,
he said, “If You are the ______ of ______,
that these ____________ become __________.”
4 But He ________________ and said,
“It is ______________,
‘Man shall ______ _________
by bread __________,
but by __________ __________
that _________________
from the __________ of ______.’”
5 Then the __________ took Him up
into the ________ ________,
set Him on the ________________
of the ____________,
6 and said to Him, “ If ______ are the Son of God, ___________ Yourself down.
For it is ______________:
‘He shall give His ____________ ______________ over you,’
and, ‘In their __________ they shall ________ you up,
Lest you ________ your ________ against a stone.’”
7 ___________ said to him,
“It is written again, ‘You shall ______ __________
the _________ your ______.’”
8 Again, the devil ________ Him up on an ______________________
________ ________________,
and ____________ Him all the ________________
of the ____________ and their ___________.
9 And he said to Him, “______ these ____________
I will ________ You if You will ________ down
and ______________ me.”
10 Then Jesus said to him, “________ with you __________!
For it is ______________, ‘You shall ______________
the LORD your God, and Him ________ you shall __________.’”
11 Then the devil ________ Him, and behold, ____________ came
and ____________________ to Him.
12 Now when __________ __________
that ________ had been put in ____________,
He ________________
to ______________.
13 And leaving ________________,
He came and dwelt in __________________,
which is by the ______,
in the regions of ______________ and ________________,
14 that it might be __________________
which was spoken by ____________ the ______________, saying:
15 “The land of ______________
and the land of ________________,
By the way of the ______, beyond the ____________,
______________ of the ________________:
16 The ____________
who sat in ________________
have seen a __________ __________,
And upon those who sat in the ____________
and ____________ of __________
Light has _____________.”
17 From that ________ Jesus __________
to ____________ and to say, “____________,
for the ______________ of ____________ is at hand.”
18 And Jesus, _______________
by the ______ of ______________,
saw ______ ________________,
Simon called __________, and ____________ his brother,
______________ a ______ into the sea;
for they were __________________.
19 Then He said to them, “____________ Me,
and I will make you ______________ of ______.”
20 They _________________________
left their ________ and ________________ Him.
21 __________ on from there,
He saw ______ ____________ brothers,
__________ the son of ______________,
and ________ his ______________,
in the ________ with Zebedee their ____________,
______________ their nets. He ____________ them,
22 and immediately they ________ the ________
and their ____________, and ________________ Him.
23 And __________ went about all ______________,
in their _____________________,
the ____________ of the kingdom,
and ______________ all kinds of ________________
and all kinds of ______________ among the ____________.
24 Then His ________ went throughout all __________;
and they brought to Him all ________ people who were ____________________
with various diseases and ________________,
and those who were __________-__________________,
and ______________________; and He healed them.
25 Great ____________________ followed Him—
from Galilee, and from __________________, Jerusalem, Judea, and ____________ the Jordan.