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Matthew 1

End of the Babylonian Captivity
1 The book of the __________________
of __________ ____________,
the Son of ___________,
the Son of _______________:
2 Abraham begot __________, Isaac begot __________,
and Jacob begot __________
and his ________________.
3 Judah begot __________ and __________
by __________,
Perez begot ____________, and Hezron begot ______.
4 Ram begot __________________,
Amminadab begot ______________,
and Nahshon begot ____________.
5 Salmon begot ________ by __________,
Boaz begot ________ by ________,
Obed begot ___________,
6 and Jesse begot __________ the ________.
David the king begot ______________
by her who had been the _________ of __________.
7 Solomon begot _________________,
Rehoboam begat ____________, and Abijah begot ______.
8 Asa begot _______________________,
Jehoshaphat begot __________, and Joram begot ____________.
Uzziah begot ____________, and Jotham begot ________,
and Ahaz begot ________________.
10 Hezekiah begot _______________,
Manasseh begot ________, and Amon begot ____________.
11 Josiah begot ________________ and his brothers
about the ________ they were ______________
away to ______________.
12 And after they were ______________ to Babylon,
Jeconiah begot __________________,
and Shealtiel begot ______________________.
13 Zerubbabel begot __________,
Abiud begot ______________, and Eliakim begot _________.
14 Azor begot __________,
Zadok begot ____________, and Achim begot __________.
15 Eliud begot ______________,
Eleazar begot ____________,
and Matthan begot __________.
16 And Jacob begot ____________
the ______________
of ________, of whom was _________
__________ who is ____________
17 So all the ______________________ from
_______________ to
__________ are
_________________ generations,
from __________
until ____________________
in ______________ are
__________________ generations,
and from the __________________ in Babylon
until _____________
are _________________ generations.
18 Now the ___________ of Jesus Christ was as follows:
After His _____________ Mary
was __________________
to ____________,
____________ they came together,
she was __________
with ___________
of the _________ _____________.
19 Then Joseph her husband, being a _________ _______,
and ______ ______________
to make her a _____________
was ____________
to put her away ________________.
20 But while he ______________ about these things,
behold, an __________ of the Lord
________________ to him
in a ___________, saying,
“____________, son of David,
do ______ be ____________
to take to you ________ your ________,
for that which is ____________________ in her is of the Holy Spirit.
21 And she will ____________ forth a ______,
and you shall _________ His ________
for He will ________ His _____________
from __________ _________.”
22 So all this was done that it might be ___________________
which was ______________ by the Lord
through the ______________, saying:
23 “Behold, the ____________ shall be with ___________,
and __________ a Son,
and they shall call His name __________________,”
which is ____________________,
“______ _________ us.”
24 Then Joseph, being ______________
from __________,
did as the angel of the Lord ___________________ him
and __________ to him his wife,
25 and did not _________ her
till she had brought forth her ____________________ Son.
And he ___________
His name __________.