1 Now in the __________ ________
of __________ king
of ____________,
that the ________ of the LORD
by the __________
of ________________
might be __________________,
the LORD ______________ up
the ___________
of Cyrus ________ of Persia,
so that he made a ________________________
throughout all his ______________,
and also put it in _______________, saying,
2 Thus says Cyrus king of Persia: All the kingdoms of the __________
the ________ ______
of ____________ has given me.
And He has __________________ me
to __________ Him
a __________
at __________________
which is in __________.
3 Who is among you of all His ____________?
May his God be ________ him,
and let him go up to __________________ which is in Judah,
and build the __________
of the LORD God of ___________ (He is God), which is in Jerusalem.
4 And ______________
is ________ in any place
where he ____________,
let the men of his __________ _________ him
with ____________
and ________,
with __________
and __________________,
besides the ________________
__________________ for the house of God
which is in __________________.
5 Then the ___________
of the ______________ houses
of Judah and ________________,
and the ______________
and the ______________,
with all whose ______________
God had __________,
__________ to go up
and build the __________ of the LORD which is in Jerusalem.
6 And all those who were around them ______________________ them
with ________________
of ____________ and ________,
with goods and livestock, and with ________________ things,
besides all that was ___________________ offered.
7 King __________ also
______________ out
the ________________ of the house of the LORD,
which ____________________________
had __________ from Jerusalem
and put in the ____________
of his _________;
8 and Cyrus king of ____________ brought them out
by the _________
of ____________________
the __________________,
and ______________ them out
to ______________________
the ____________ of Judah.
9 This is the ____________ of them:
____________ ________ _________________,
______ _________________
____________ ________________,
10 ____________ ________ ____________,
________ ________________
and ______ ____________ ____________
of a ______________ kind,
and ______ ________________
__________ articles.
11 ______ the ________________ of gold and silver
were ________ ________________
________ ______________.
All these Sheshbazzar ________
with the _________________
who were _____________
from ______________
to __________________.