1 Then Joshua ________________
all the ____________ of ____________
to ______________ and ___________
for the ____________ of ____________,
for their ____________, for their ____________,
and for their ________________; and they __________________ themselves before God.
2 And ____________ said to all the ____________,
“Thus says the ________ ______ of Israel:
Your ______________, including __________,
the father of ______________ and the father of __________,
dwelt on the other side of the __________ in old times; and they ____________ other gods.
3 Then I took your father Abraham from the __________ side of the River,
led him throughout all the land of ____________, and ____________________
his ______________________
and gave him __________.
4 To Isaac I gave __________ and ________,
To Esau I gave the __________________ of ________ to possess,
but Jacob and his _______________ went down to __________.
5 Also I sent __________ and __________,
and I ______________ Egypt, according to what I did ___________ them.
Afterward I ______________ you______.
6 ‘Then I brought your fathers out of Egypt, and you came to the sea; and the Egyptians ______________ your fathers with _________________
and ________________
to the ______ ______.
7 So they __________ out to the LORD; and He put ________________ between you and the Egyptians, brought the sea upon them,
and _______________ them. And your _________ saw what I did in Egypt.
Then you __________ in the ____________________ a long time.
8 And I brought you into the land of the ________________, who dwelt on the other side of the ____________,
and they ______________ with you. But I gave them into your ________,
that you might ______________ their land, and I __________________ them from before you.
9 Then __________ the son of ____________,
king of ________, arose to make war against Israel,
and sent and called ______________ the son of ________ to __________ you.
10 But I would not ____________ to Balaam; therefore he __________________
to __________ you. So I __________________ you out of his hand.
11 Then you went ________ the Jordan and came to ______________.
And the ______ of Jericho fought ______________ you—also the Amorites,
the ______________________, the Canaanites, the _________,
the ______________________, the ______________,
and the _________________. But I delivered them into your _________.
12 I sent the ____________ before you which __________ them out from before you,
also the ______ __________ of the Amorites,
but not with your __________ or with your ______.
13 I have given you a ________ for which you did not __________, and ____________ which you did not __________, and you dwell in them;
you eat of the __________________ and __________ groves which you did not __________.’
14 “Now therefore, ________ the LORD, serve Him in __________________
and in __________, and put ________
the ________ which your fathers ____________ on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the LORD!
15 And if it seems ________ to you to serve the LORD, ____________ for yourselves this day ________ you will serve,
______________ the gods which ________ fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose ________ you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
16 So the people _______________ and said: “______ be it from us
that we should ______________ the LORD to __________ other gods;
17 for the ________ our ______ is He who brought us and our fathers
up out of the ________ of Egypt, from the ___________
of ______________,
who did those great __________ in our sight, and __________________ us
in all the way that we ________ and among all the people through whom we ____________.
18 And the LORD drove out from ____________ us all the _____________,
including the ________________ who dwelt in the ________.
We also will __________ the LORD, for He is our ______.”
19 But ____________ said to the people, “You ____________ serve the LORD,
for He is a ________ God. He is a ______________ God;
He will not ______________
your _____________________________ nor your sins.
20 If you ______________ the LORD and serve ______________ gods,
then He will ________ and do you ________ and _______________ you, after He has done you good.”
21 And the ____________ said to Joshua, “No, but we will __________ the ________!”
22 So ____________ said to the people, “You are __________________ against yourselves
that you have ____________ the LORD for ____________________, to serve Him.” And they said, “We are witnesses!”
23 “Now therefore,” he said, “______ away the foreign ________ which are among you, and ______________
your __________ to the LORD God of ____________.”
24 And the ____________ said to Joshua, “The ________ our God we will serve,
and His __________ we will ________!”
25 So Joshua made a _______________ with the people that ______,
and made for them a ______________ and an __________________ in Shechem.
26 Then Joshua __________ these words in the ________ of the ______ of God.
And he took a large __________, and ______ it up there under the ______
that was by the __________________ of the LORD.
27 And Joshua said to all the people, “Behold, this __________ shall be a ______________ to us,
for it has __________ all the __________ of the LORD
which He __________ to us.
It shall therefore be a _______________ to you, lest you ________ your God.”
28 So Joshua let the people _____________, each to his own ______________________.
29 Now it came to pass after these things that ____________ the son of ______,
the ______________ of the LORD, ________,
being one ______________ and ______ years old.
30 And they ____________ him within the ____________ of his inheritance
at ______________ __________,
which is in the __________________ of ______________,
on the north side of __________ __________.
31 Israel ____________ the LORD all the ________ of Joshua,
and all the days of the elders who _________________ Joshua, who had __________
all the ____________ of the LORD which He had ________ for Israel.
32 The __________ of ____________, which the children of Israel
had ______________ up out of Egypt, they buried at ________________, in the plot of ground
which Jacob had bought from the sons of ___________ the father of Shechem for ______ ______________
pieces of ____________, and which had become an ______________________ of the children of Joseph.
33 And ______________ the son of __________ died.
They buried him in a ________ belonging to ________________ his son, which was __________ to him in the mountains of Ephraim.