1 Now it came to ________,
a ________ ________ after
the ________ had given
________ to ____________
from all their ______________ round about,
that _____________ was old,
________________ in ______.
2 And Joshua ____________ for all Israel,
for their ____________,
for their __________,
for their ____________,
and for their ________________, and said to them:
“I am ______, advanced in ______.
3 You have ________ all that the LORD your God
has ________
to all these ______________ because of you,
for the LORD your God is He who has ____________ for you.
4 See, I have ______________ to you
by ______ these nations
that ____________,
to be an ______________________
for your ____________,
from the ____________, with all the nations that I have cut off,
as far as the __________ ______ westward.
5 And the LORD your God will __________ them from before you
and __________ them
out of your __________.
So you shall ______________ their land,
as the LORD your God ________________ you.
6 Therefore be very ____________________ to keep and to do
all that is ______________
in the __________ of the ______ of __________,
lest you ________ aside from it
to the __________ hand
or to the ________,
7 and lest you go among these ______________,
these who ____________ among you.
You shall not make ______________
of the ________ of their gods,
nor cause anyone to __________ by them;
you shall not __________ them nor ______ down to them,
8 but you shall ________ ________
to the LORD your ______,
as you have ________ to this day.
9 For the LORD has ____________ out from before you
__________ and
____________ nations;
but as for you, no one has been able to __________ against you to this day.
10 One ______ of you
shall __________
a ________________,
for the LORD your God is He who ____________ for you,
as He ________________ you.
11 Therefore take ______________
________ to yourselves
that you ________
the LORD your ______.
12 Or else, if indeed you do go ________,
and __________
to the ______________ of these nations—
these that remain among you—and make __________________ with them,
and ____ in to them and they to you,
13 ________ for certain that the LORD your God
will ____ ____________ drive out
these ______________
from ____________ you.
But they shall be ____________
and __________ to you,
and ________________ on your sides
and ____________ in your ________,
until you ____________
from this ________ _______
which the LORD your God has __________ you.
14 “Behold, this ______
I am going the way of all the __________.
And you know in all your ____________
and in all your __________
that not one thing has ____________
of all the ________ ____________
which the LORD your God spoke ____________________ you.
All have ________ to pass for you;
not one word of them has ____________.
15 Therefore it shall come to ________,
that as all the ________ ____________ have come upon you
which the ________ your ______
________________ you,
so the LORD will bring upon you all ______________ things,
until He has __________________ you from this good land
which the LORD your God has __________ you.
16 When you have _________________________
the ________________ of the LORD you God,
which He __________________ you,
and have gone and ____________ other gods,
and __________ down to them,
then the __________ of the LORD
will ________ against you,
and you shall ____________
from the ________ ________ which He has given you.”