1 Then ____________ called the ____________________,
the ______________, and half the tribe of _________________,
2 and said to them: “You have ________ all that ___________
the ______________ of the LORD __________________ you,
and have ____________ my __________ in all that I commanded you.
3 You have ______ ________
your _________________ these many days, up to this day,
but have _________ the _______________ of the commandment of the LORD your God.
4 And now the LORD your God has given ________ to your brethren, as He ________________ them;
now therefore, ____________ and go to your __________
and to the ________ of your _____________________,
which Moses the servant of the LORD ________ you on the other side of the ____________.
5 But take ______________ ________ to do
the ______________________ and the law
which Moses the servant of the ________ commanded you, to love the LORD your ______, to __________ in all His ways,
to ________ His commandments, to ________ ________ to Him,
and to __________ Him with all your __________ and with all your ________.”
6 So Joshua ______________ them and
________ them ________, and they went to their tents.
7 Now to ________ the __________ of Manasseh
Moses had given a possession in ____________, but to the __________ half of it
Joshua gave a possession among their brethren on this ________ of the Jordan, _________________.
And indeed, when Joshua sent them ________ to their __________, he blessed them,
8 and spoke to them, saying, “____________ with much ____________ to your tents,
with very much __________________, with ____________,
with ________, with ____________, with ________,
and with very much ________________. ____________
the ____________ of your ______________ with your brethren.”
9 So the _________________ of Reuben, the children of Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh returned, and ________________ from the children of Israel
at ____________, which is in the land of _____________,
to go to the country of ____________, to the land of their possession, which they had ________________ according to the word of the LORD by the hand of Moses.
10 And when they came to the ____________ of the Jordan which is in the land of Canaan, the children of ____________,
the children of ______, and half the tribe of ________________
____________ an __________ there by the Jordan—a great, ____________________ altar.
11 Now the children of ____________ __________ someone say, “Behold, the children of Reuben, the children of Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh have built an altar on the ________________ of the land of Canaan,
in the ____________ of the Jordan—on the ________________ of Israel’s ________.”
12 And when the children of Israel heard of it, the whole ________________________ of the children of Israel
gathered ________________ at Shiloh to go to ______ against them.
13 Then the children of Israel sent ________________ the son of ______________
the ____________ to the children of Reuben, to the children of Gad, and to half the tribe of Manasseh, into the land of _____________,
14 and with him ______ ____________, one ruler each from the __________ house of every tribe of Israel;
and each one was the __________ of the house of his ____________ among the __________________ of Israel.
15 Then they __________ to the children of Reuben, to the children of Gad, and to half the __________ of Manasseh, to the land of Gilead, and they ____________ with them, saying,
16 “Thus says the __________ congregation of the ________:
‘What _________________ is this that
you have __________________ against the God of ____________,
to ________ away this day from __________________ the LORD, in that
you have built for yourselves an ___________, that you might ___________ this day ______________ the LORD?
17 Is the ________________ of ________ not enough for us,
from which we are not ________________ till this day, although there was a ____________ in the congregation of the LORD,
18 but that you __________ turn __________ this day from following the ________?
And it shall be, if you rebel ____________ against the LORD, that __________________
He will be ___________ with the whole _________________________ of Israel.
19 Nevertheless, if the ________ of your possession is ______________,
then __________ over to the land of the ____________________ of the LORD,
where the LORD’s ____________________ stands, and take possession among us;
but do not __________ against the ________, nor rebel against _____,
by building yourselves an altar ________________ the altar of the ________ our ______.
20 Did not __________ the son of __________
____________ a ________________
in the _______________ thing, and __________ fell on all the congregation of Israel?
And that man did not ____________ alone in his ________________.’”
21 Then the children of ____________, the children of ______,
and half the tribe of ________________ answered and said to the heads of the __________________ of Israel:
22 “The ________ God of gods, the LORD God of gods, He __________,
and let ____________ itself know—if it is in __________________,
or if in __________________ against the LORD, do not _________ us this day.
23 If we have ___________ ourselves an __________ to ________
from __________________ the LORD, or if to offer on it _________ offerings
or __________ offerings, or if to offer _________ offerings on it,
let the LORD Himself require an ______________.
24 But in ________ we have done it for ________, for a ____________, saying,
‘In time to come your ______________________ may speak to our descendants, saying, “What have you to do with the LORD ______ of Israel?
25 For the LORD has made the ____________ a ____________ between you and us,
you ________________ of Reuben and children of Gad. You have no ________ in the LORD.” So your descendants would make our descendants __________ fearing the LORD.’
26 Therefore we said, ‘Let us now ______________ to __________ ourselves an altar,
not for __________ ________________
nor for ___________________,
27 but that it may be a ______________ between you and us and our generations after us, that we may ______________
the _______________ of the LORD before Him with our burnt __________________,
with our ____________________, and with our __________ offerings;
that your descendants may not say to our descendants in ________ to come, “You have no ________ in the ________.”’
28 Therefore we said that it will be, when they say this to us or to our _______________________ in time to ________, that we may say,
‘Here is the _______________ of the altar of the LORD which our ______________ made,
though ______ for burnt offerings nor for sacrifices; but it is a witness _______________ you and us.’
29 Far be it from us that we should __________ against the LORD, and ________ from __________________ the LORD this day,
to build an __________ for burnt offerings, for __________ offerings, or for sacrifices,
besides the altar of the LORD our God which is before His ____________________.”
30 Now when ________________ the _____________
and the _____________ of the congregation, the __________ of the divisions of Israel who were with him,
___________ the words that the children of Reuben, the children of Gad, and the children of Manasseh spoke, it _______________ them.
31 Then Phinehas the son of ______________ the priest said to the ________________ of Reuben, the children of Gad and the children of Manasseh,
“This day we ________________ that the LORD is among us, because you have not __________________
this __________________ against the LORD. Now you have __________________ the children of Israel out of the hand of the LORD.”
32 And ________________ the son of _____________ the priest, and the rulers,
_________________ from the children of Reuben and children of Gad, from the land of ____________ to the land of ____________, to the children of Israel, and brought back word to them.
33 So the thing _______________ the children of Israel, and children of Israel ______________ God;
they spoke no more of going against them in ____________, to _______________ the land where the children of Reuben and Gad dwelt.
34 The children of Reuben and the children of Gad called the altar, ______________, “For it is a witness _______________ us that the LORD is God.”