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Ephesians 2

By Grace Through Faith
Brought Near by His Blood
Christ Our Peace and Our Cornerstone
1 And you He ________ __________,
who were ________
in ____________________
and ________,
2 in which you once ____________
according to the ____________
of this __________,
according to the ____________ of the __________
of the ______, the ____________
who now __________ in the ________
of ______________________,
3 among whom also we all once __________________ ourselves
in the __________ of our __________,
the ______________ of the flesh
and of the ________, and were by ____________
________________ of __________, just as the others.
4 But ______, who is ________
in __________, because of his __________ love
with which He __________ us,
5 even when we were ________ in trespasses, made us __________
with ____________
(by __________ you have been __________),
6 and ____________ us up together,
and ________ us ______ together
in the _______________ places
in ____________ __________,
7 that in the ________ to ________
He might show the __________________ riches
of His __________
in His ________________ toward us in Christ Jesus.
8 For by grace you have been __________
through __________,
and that not of ____________________;
it is the ________ of ______,
9 not of __________,
lest anyone should __________.
10 For we are His ______________________,
_______________ in Christ Jesus
for _________ __________,
which God ________________
that we should ________ in them.
11 Therefore _______________ that you,
once ________________ in the flesh—
who are called _____________________________
by what is ______________
the _________________________
________ in the __________
by ____________—
12 that at that _________
you were ________________ Christ,
being _____________
from the ___________________________
of ________________
and ________________________
from the ______________________
of ________________,
having ____ hope and ______________ God in the world.
13 But now in Christ Jesus you who __________ were ______ off
have been ______________ near by the __________ of Christ.
14 For He Himself is our __________, who has made both ______,
and has ____________ down the ____________
wall of _____________________,
15 having _________________ in His flesh
the ____________, that is,
the law of ________________________
in ______________________,
so as to ____________ in Himself one ______ man
from the ______, thus ____________ peace,
16 and that He might __________________ them both to God
in one ________ through the ___________,
thereby ______________ to __________ the enmity.
17 And He came and ________________
__________ to you
who were __________ off and to those who were _________.
18 For ______________ Him we
both have ____________ by ______
____________ to the ____________.
19 Now, therefore, you are no ____________ strangers
and _____________________,
but ____________ _________________
with the _____________
and ________________
of the __________________ of God,
20 having been __________
on the ______________________
of the ________________
and ________________, Jesus Christ Himself
being the __________
21 in whom the whole _________________,
being _____________ together,
__________ into a holy ____________ in the Lord,
22 in whom you also are being built ________________
for a ________________ place
of ______ in the ______________.